Lo & Behold Lemon & Eucalyptus Bug Spray 1oz


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With a clean and refreshing aroma, Lo & Behold Lemon & Eucalyptus Bug Spray is an effective, easily-absorbed insect repellent. Handmade with a blend of lightweight carrier oils and potent essential oils, this spray will keep away mosquitoes all summer long and is gentle for use on sensitive skin and safe for all ages.

Lemon & Eucalyptus Bug Spray is 100% natural and is registered with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. It was inspired by requests from our customers and formulated with careful research and testing on friends and family.

Studies show that essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus are the most effective natural deterrents for mosquitoes. Our formula blends lemon and eucalyptus oils with essential oils of geranium, lemongrass, citronella, peppermint, and rosemary - all approved by the EPA as active ingredients for insect repellents.

Lemon & Eucalyptus Bug Spray has a base of castor and rice bran oils to ensure the most effective results from the essential oils. Because these base oils absorb easily and hydrate skin, many customers use the spray as their summer moisturizer that conveniently keeps away bugs.